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I am an illustrator, photographer, and creative entrepreneur based in Estonia. Growing up as a creative child on the threshold of our independence, I always looked toward a bright and beautiful future. I was a dreamer. My creativity, sparked by the limited resources around me, led me to craft all kinds of things — from a dollhouse made of cardboard to clothes for dolls and teddy bears.

My passion for drawing was undeniable, and just before starting sixth grade, my older sister signed me up for art school because I was too shy to do it myself. I love my sister for always believing in me and for giving me the push I needed to embrace my talents.

After attending art school as a child and studying fine arts later in life, I set out to carve my niche in the creative world. I’ve designed and sold pearl jewelry, crafted soft-soled baby shoes, and made children’s clothes. I once dreamed of designing my own fabrics, a dream I am now fortunate to realize.

I love to draw things that remind people of good old times but with a fun, new twist. My drawings show my love for the outdoors, old habits, and the small things that make us happy. They are meant to feel classic and welcoming, with a hand-drawn and imperfect whimsical touch. I often use soft pastel colors, but I also enjoy adding brighter shades to match the theme and mood I’m working on. Whether it’s for the spooky times of Halloween, a cool autumn day, or a bright day at the beach, my goal is for my designs to make you think of happy days.


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